Velkommen til
din mobile sykkelmekaniker for terreng
og hybrid sykler!

Sykkeldoktor is a mobile repair service for terrain and hybrid cycles in the Oslo area. We can come to your home or work place to repair your cycle for your convenience.

Below we have 4 easy packages for you to choose which one suits you.



A standard on-site safety check
and tune-up. Improving
the performance of your
cycle’s existing components
and reducing the wear on your
cycle in the long run.

595Kr (plus parts)
click here for more details

In addition to the basic Rolling
Package, this package includes replacement of worn components
and parts, like brake-pads and gear
cables. Also headset adjustment and
cycle clean.

900Kr (plus parts)
click here for more details

Full check of all the bearings,
detailed clean and lubrication
of all working parts of the cycle.

1200Kr (plus parts)
click here for more details

Fleet Service
Discounted package for 4 or
more cycles in 1 appointment.
Save up to 15 % with a group
booking in one location. The
Fleet Service is based on the
standard on-site safety check
Rolling Package and tune up.

(plus parts)
click here for more details